Sunday, 31 May 2009

No Rest Sunday Morning In Town

Masonary Power Drill on staircase

Sunday and another day of relaxation was planned after a hard week behind us. The firth thing that was planned was a long lie in bed in the morning. No chance as the builders started work on the house next door at 8:00 in the morning with electric power drill grinding away. We are not usually in Yambol on Sundays, if we had stayed in the village it would have been peace and quite and of course this was the only weekend of the year that they are working on the house next door. We had to pick this weekend to stay in Yambol.
Image by :: Wendy :: via Flickr

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Saturday, 30 May 2009

No Haymaking

Hay stack and automobile of peach pickers, Del...

Today in the village I was due to make hay but it was overcast and a slightly damp atmosphere, not good for haymaking so it was back to Yambol that same evening. As I travelled back to town having giving up waiting for the sun, it came out after 20 minutes of leaving. In the early evening it was clear sunny and warm. I should have stayed as haymaking could have been done that very evening. I also didn’t water the crops either!

Image by The Library of Congress via Flickr

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Friday, 29 May 2009

Dead Dog After Car Hits It

The A22(T) near Summer Hill, East Sussex, England

Bad luck hit home big time today as I made my way to the village for the weekend. I had just got to the outskirts of Yambol and accelerated on the good straight stretch of road and a dog ran out in front of me and I hit it. There wasn’t anything I could do about it, my reactions are quick but never quick enough to avoid this dog that was now lying in the road motionless. I stopped the car and reversed back, got out and checked it. It was stone dead so I dragged it into the verge and carried on my way. I see many dogs dead in the roads of Bulgaria, but hitting one yourself is not a pleasant thing to go through.
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Thursday, 28 May 2009

Collapsed Chair - Cold Meal

One of the new chairs we ordered

Lunchtime and food was on the table realy to tuck in as I sat down the fold up chair suddenly gave way and collapsed. a wooden strut had broken and the metal rod that was keeping it up slipped down to cause this. I picked myself up off the floor, unhurt and spent the next 20 minutes repairing the chair in the garage. It was back to a cold meal now with the repaired chair.
Image by currybet via Flickr
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Wednesday, 27 May 2009

No UEFA Champions League Football Final

Champions' League logo

I thought I’d got away with no bad luck today as the evening came along, then like the bad penny it returned. I was about to start watching the European cup final on television between Barcelona and Manchester United and we had a power cut due to storms that came over. It wasn’t until well into the second half that the power returned and by that time I was in bed half asleep and lost interest! I'll find out who won tomorrow.

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Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Salt Trick But No Trick And No Salt

Salt, sugar and pepper shakers.

You know the school trick where you unscrew the top of the salt shaker and just rest it on the top so when the next user comes and shakes it on their food the top falls off and all the salt to follow? Well it didn't quite happen today, it certainly wasn't a trick and it wasn't salt, but the same kind of thing happen. We were cooked some lovely bean soup this evening and we always add a bit for vinegar before we start consuming it. As I went to pour a small amount on to the soup the top fell off the container and all the vinegar when everywhere. Baba has refilled it earlier in the day and didn't manage to screw the top on properly! An accident, very funny, but the bad luck had to happen to me.

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Monday, 25 May 2009

No Pants

Front-loading washer machine.

Mondays are a day I really look forward to, mainly because I like my work. So as the alarm went off at 6:30 this morning with the bright sun that had beaten us to it peering in the cracking in the blind, what possibly could go wrong? No pants in the cupboard! All my underwear had gone in the washing machine for a spring clean leaving me with none to wear today. So it was on with the swimming trunks for the day, far to tight for comfort!
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Sunday, 24 May 2009

Missing Ice Cream

Missing Ice Cream

Ice cream on a hot day what a treat and that exactly what I wanted and what I got as we returned to Yambol this afternoon. It was sweltering as we rolled up to the ice cream vendor and bout two cone cups of beautiful ice cream. We sat in the park under a tree for shade to consume and enjoy this treat. As a spoonful was taken out of mine it revealed that there was a great void of ice cream underneath. The machine had just delivered ice cream to cover the top of the cone and nothing underneath. As I looked as Galia’s her's was full of ice cream! Why does this happen to me?

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Saturday, 23 May 2009

Hairdresser Wait And Wait Again

"Boy Meets Barber" O'Fallon, Illinoi...

I was due to go to the hairdressers this morning as we are going to a party this evening. As I dropped Galia off to work I made my way to my local hairdresser in the city centre all was fine. I say down and waited as there was a customer being worked on when I arrived. Whilst the wait was on it gives you a chance to think and my immediate though was I left my wallet in the car. So it was a get up and go back tot eh car and return to the hairdressers. When I got there, there was another person just started having their haircut and a mother and child now waiting in the queue before me! It was half and hour before I finally got my haircut.

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Friday, 22 May 2009

Kiwi Fruit Washing Up Liquid Allergy

This image shows a cut kiwifruit.

We needed some washing up liquid today and this was bought along with our daily bread and beer on these now hot days in Yambol. Nothing was strange about that you might think expect we had bought a new brand with a kiwi fruit fragrance. We didn’t think that the person who did most of the washing up (Baba) was allergic to kiwi fruit as she asked us to take it back for exchange. Another trip to the shop tomorrow, it’s too hot to go today.

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Thursday, 21 May 2009

Egg Transportation

In this picture taken 20 May 2007, An Afghan b...

Eggs are always tricky to transport, especially in a car on a bumpy road. As I was making my way beck from the farmhouse will eggs in the boot, I hadeg put them in a rigid plastic box lined with plastic bags. All as fine on arrival as they were now taken into the kitchen to be put in the fridge. I as opened the box and pulled out the plastic lining two eggs decided to come out with it and fall on the floor. Huh, why do I bother sometimes?

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Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Eight Red Traffic Lights In A Row

A modern British LED Traffic Light (Siemens He...

As I take Galia to work every day we come across four sets of traffic light en route and four on the way back. There has never been a time where I have had to stop at every junction due to the lights being red. Today it happened. As I drove to each set of light every one was RED! The chances of this happening are 256 to 1! Today of course we were in a rush and that was the bad luck as I’ve probably done the trip at least 256 times.

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Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Hole In My Trouser Pocket

I will give you $5 if you will go get new shorts

As I put my trouser shorts on this morning, it is routine that I put my hands in my pockets to straighten out the lining. As I did this I found a hole in my right hand pocket. This is a complete mystery; it wasn’t there yesterday and seemed to have just appeared from nowhere. What made it worse is as I felt the hole it was made bigger as my finger went through it. There is now only one pocket for money, lets hope I remember it’s the left pocket.
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Monday, 18 May 2009

Attracting Mosquitoes

A female mosquito of the Culicidae family (Cul...

The mosquitoes were out this evening so I decided to put some anti-mosquito spray on before relaxing out side in the warmth of the evening. After it was applied I was even more relaxed in the knowledge that I was going to be free from bites this evening. An hour went past and I didn’t understand why mosquitoes were around, they usually don’t come near me when anti-mosquito spray is used. Going back to the spray to apply some more, I discovered that it was Galia’s underarm deodorant I used. It was in Bulgarian and for some reason have a picture of a mosquito on the can! No wonder it didn’t work.

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Sunday, 17 May 2009

White Elephant Sprinkler in Bulgaria

Homemade PVC Water Sprinkler

Watering the garden today I decided to use the sprinkler system that I brought over from the UK. It seemed like a good idea until I tried to put it into practice. The hose all ready and the interchangeable attachment at hand it was looking good. When the sprinkler was about to be attached, the last part of the jigsaw, it was discovered that the part was not compatible with the Bulgarian system. A 'White elephant,' sprinkler system with no use in Bulgaria.

Image by samuel_belknap via Flickr

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Saturday, 16 May 2009

No Fish Barbecue Today

SAN FRANCISCO - APRIL 08:  Culinary instructor...

We were due another barbecue this evening as I arrived in town to pick up Galia from work at 5:00. We were due to have fish and I have brought my special fish griller from Skalitsa expecially for the meal. We arrived at the fish shop around the corner from our home at around 5:10 only to find that it shuts at 5:00 on Saturdays. No fish barbecue this evening.

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

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Friday, 15 May 2009

Burnt Eyebrows

Beef steaks over wood

We had a barbecue this evening. There is a tried and tested method I use to get the fire going. This particular evening I was using the same routine that works time and time again, however, as I was blowing into the charcoal to get the flames up and running I got a flame that jumped up and burned my eyebrow. I now have uneven eyebrows for a few weeks. This was the first time this had happened and can't really understand why why.

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Thursday, 14 May 2009

Clock Batteries Dead

Clock Batteries Dead

Looking at the wall clock today I was initially quite amazed how early it was until I realised the battery needed replacing. Taking the clock down it was found we didn’t have any spare batteries in the house so we have a clock that doesn’t work until we pay a visit to the shops.

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Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Sandal Strap Snapped

Sandal Strap SnappedIt was hot today so I was in shorts and sandals whilst walking about. The streets of Yambol are known for potholes and uneven pavements and I tripped up on one of the pedestrian booby traps. I wasn’t hurt, but the strap on my sandal had snapped with the impact. They were only one month old and it was another trail I had to take to buy a new pair, as I had to walk barefooted to the shoe shop.
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Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Missing Glasses

LAS VEGAS - JULY 1:  John Lennon's wire-rimmed...

Luck seems to follow me as I look for my glasses this morning usually kept on a chair by the bed they aren’t there. The problem is I can’t see too well without my glasses so looking for them is a problem. It was 20 minutes later when I found them walking around like a blind bat most of the time. They were picked up by Galia who wanted to clean them last night and in the kitchen on the draining board drying out.

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

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Monday, 11 May 2009

Fine Day But Indoors

let's talk about the weather / dreaming of a w...

I beautiful day today, but it was indoors for the duration as builders were repairing the drain outside. Noise and dust in the garden throughout the day meant that the weather couldn’t be enjoyed and of course I was confined to the house as the work was on our property. All on the best day of weather this year so far.

Image by gin soak via Flickr

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Sunday, 10 May 2009

Cashpoint Problem

New cash point

I went to my usual cash point to withdraw some money to day and when I got there it was out of order. It was off to another one and would you believe it, this was out of order as well. The third one was found and that worked, but there was a queue of 4 people waiting to use it. Time, time, time, a simple task made so difficult.

Image by thegreatgonzo via Flickr

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Saturday, 9 May 2009

Holey Socks Mystery

A hand knitted white lace sock made out of han...

Usually my socks last for years, some are over 10 years old and still give good service. Today as I put a newish sock on one foot a two poked out of the end through a hole that wasn't there last time I wore it. I found out that it had been worn by another member of the family by accident a few days before. It has gone in the wash and been put back into my sock drawer. Mystery solved, but one socks now to be darned and repaired by Baba.

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Friday, 8 May 2009

Punk Style Hair

LONDON - FEBRUARY 06:  A Hari's salon employee...

This morning as I looked in the mirror my hair on one side was sticking up where I had slept on it. No matter what I did it wouldn't lay flat, even after washing it. So I had to go around today with a punk-styled hair do all day. What's more I had to meet some business people today, bad timing as usual. Hopefully I can lay on it all night ot flatten it for tomorrow.

Image by Getty Images via Daylife
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Thursday, 7 May 2009

Bicycle Gears Jammed

This mountain bicycle features oversized tires...

It's my bicycles turn to have bad luck today. On a straight road I use the big gear ring on the fron and the small on the back, it really can spped up to 30 mph in that gear. The trouble is the las part fo the route take me uphill to the house. As I tried to change down gear the system jammed and I came to halt 20 metres up the hill due to this. I had to walk the last 1/2 kilometre up the hill before pedalling in slow motion on the last straight. It was out with the tool box when arriving home.

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